Read-along: Berkeley DB

In this post, I read along with the 1999 Berkeley DB USENIX paper.

Berkeley DB as a tiny (175KB) embedded key-value filesystem-backed database.

Berkeley DB lets you associate byte-string keys to byte-string values, with no practical limits on the size of these keys or values. You can get, set, loop over all the keys, or loop over a sorted range of the keys. The database is backed by a single file.

Over the years, opt-in support has been added for concurrency, write-ahead logging, and transactions. These are zero-cost abstractions - if you don’t use them, you don’t have to pay for them.

I first came across Berkeley DB in Google’s Chubby paper. It caught my attention: the first iteration of Chubby used Berkeley DB as the backing database. Chubby is Google’s high-reliability database for cluster configuration, DNS, and master election. The authors must have had high opinions of Berkeley DB to choose it as the basis of this high-reliability core of Google's datacenter platform.

No new techniques

This paper’s interesting in that it presents no novel engineering techniques. It just brings together old ideas into an attractive package, tied together with good engineering:

There is nothing in the design or implementation of Berkeley DB that pushes the state of the art in database systems. Rather, we have been very careful to get the engineering right.

I respect this: getting from an idea in a paper to a reliable easy-to-deploy system can very difficult. I enjoy reading papers where the authors talk about engineering tradeoffs. According to the authors:

The result is a system that is superior, as an embedded database system, to any other solution available.

It’s a big call, but as far as I know it’s fair - at least for their time. The only other embedded database I’ve heard of with this feature level is SQLite: a file-backed relational database that’s also embeddable as a single C header. SQLite was released August 2000, a year after this Berkeley DB paper was published.

Access Methods

Berkeley DB is really three kinds of database under the hood: Hash, B+Tree, and Recno. When creating a new database you choose one to use.

  • Hash databases are linear hashtables, with a user-defined hash function. You can get and set by key, and iterate over all records in an unspecified order.

    Linear hashtables are a good choice to keep latency low and predictable - linear hashtables only split one hashbuckets at a time, doing a small amount of work often. Compare with extendible hashing, which doubles the size of the array on overflow and redistributes all items in the hashtable infrequently every log n insertions. On overflow, linear hashing has a more predictable query time. I imagine this is important for embedded databases.

  • B+tree databases take a comparator instead of a hash function, and in addition to getting and setting by key, you can iterate over these trees in order. You can also iterate over a range of the keyspace.

  • Recno databases automatically assign record numbers (starting at 1) to records for use as the key. Under the hood, these are stored as B+ Trees. Berkeley DB automatically renumbers later records when things are added before them. This seems designed to allow text editors fast access and insertion by line.

Disk Format

The database is divided into pages, which are divided into records. Pages are locked during concurrent access and transactions. There’s no record-level locking, but you can choose the page size to control how many records fit into a page. In effect, this lets you tune the locking concurrency.

As usual for databases, you can enable a write-ahead log and flush all writes to the log, to be able to recreate the database if there’s an outage in the middle.


The software also includes a complete test suite, written
in Tcl. We believe that the test suite is a key advantage of Berkeley DB over comparable systems.

First, the test suite allows users who download and build the software to be sure that it is operating correctly.

Second, the test suite allows us, like other commercial developers of database software, to exercise the system thoroughly at every release. When we learn of new bugs, we add them to the test suite. We run the test suite continually during development cycles, and always prior to release. The result is a much more reliable system by the time it reaches beta release.

It’s very quaint to hear the authors talking about automated test suites, and especially how this was a key advantage for them. Compare this with SQLite’s testing page today, where they brag about having 811 times as much test code and test scripts as database code. It’s hard to imagine a database product without an automated test suite in 2016, but you get the feeling this was cutting edge stuff in 1999.

Mark Hansen

Mark Hansen

I'm a Software Engineering Manager working on Google Maps in Sydney, Australia. I write about software {engineering, management, profiling}, data visualisation, and transport.
Sydney, Australia